Regulatory Legal Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic

  1. Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic
  2. Laws
    1. Extract from the Law on Education of the Kyrgyz Republic
    2. Law "On licensing system in the Kyrgyz Republic
  3. Codes
    1. Civil Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
    2. Labour Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
  4. Decrees of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
    1. "On the procedure for financing Higher Profession Education organizations from the state budget

    2. "On conditions of remuneration of some categories of employees in the education system".

    3. "On approval of model staffing of educational organizations and invalidation of some decisions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic".

    4. Duration of working hours (standard hours of pedagogical work per pay rate) of pedagogical staff of educational organizations
  5. Provisions approved by the KR Government Decree
    1. Temporary Regulation "On the procedure for licensing of educational activities in the KR"
    2. Provisions "On GRT of applicants"
    3. Provision "On state educational grants for students studying in state higher education institutions of KR"
    4. Provision "On documents of secondary, higher, additional and postgraduate vocational education"
    5. Provision "On the department of higher education institutions of the KR"

    6. Provision "On the order of substitution of teaching staff positions at KR"

    7. Provision "On industrial (professional) practice for students of educational institutions of professional education in the Kyrgyz Republic".
    8. Provision "About the Faculty of Higher Education Institutions of the KR"
    9. Provision "On the formation and application of tariffs for paid educational services in the Kyrgyz Republic"

    10. Provision "On the final state certification of graduates of higher education institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic"

    11. Provision "On Academic Council of Higher Education Institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic"
    12. Provision "On the Procedure for Transfer, Dismissal and Reinstatement of Students of Higher Education Institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic"
    13. Provision "On the procedure for assigning the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic to educational publications"
    14. Provision "On carrying out current control and intermediate certification university students of KR"
    15. Provision "About educational organisations of Higher Profession Education of KR".
    16. Provision "On the Educational and Methodological Association of KR"
  6. Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
  7. The Procedure
    1. Admission procedures for higher education institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic
    2. The procedure for the formation and execution of expenses of educational organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic
  8. Accreditation
    1. Changes in the Law "On Education in terms of accreditation"
    2. Minimum requirements for accreditation
    3. Provision "On National Accreditation Council
    4. Resolution of order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "On approval of Regulatory Legal Acts on accreditation"
    5. Ministry of Education and Science order on recognition of accreditation agencies"
  9. Lists


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