Web Informatics

ModuleSubject #SemesterECTS creditsContentObjectivesLearning outcomes
German 1AIN1-02615Phonetics, grammar and vocabulary materials combined with training for independent study of German (A1.1). Communicative work with the text on the material of studio 21 von Cornelsen.To form communicative skills in the main types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading, writing to achieve level A1.1, in accordance with the requirements of the General European Education Standard (GER, https://www.europaeischer-referenzrahmen.de/).EDO1 - The student knows the lexico-grammatical minimum for the topics covered, everyday speech patterns, the algorithm of written and oral expression of monologic and dialogic speech (A1.1). EDO2 - The student is able to express himself/herself on everyday topics, respond appropriately to speech to maintain a conversation, write short messages on a particular topic, fill out a questionnaire (A1.1). EDO3 - The student possesses normative pronunciation, active vocabulary (1500-2000 lexical units) and is able to apply them in oral and written speech. (А1.1).
English 1AIN1-02415Practical English with grammar and vocabulary materials, audio snippets integrated into each lesson. Online practice with learning assignments and interactive cognitive videos. Oxford English File 4th Edition. Levels: Elementary1, Pre-Intermediate1, Intermediate1, Upper- Intermediate1, Advance1.Formation of systematic and deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in key types of speech activity depending on the requirements of the passed level (Elementary1, Pre-Intermediate1, Intermediate1, Upper-Intermediate1, Advanced1).Elementary1: EDO1 - The student knows the minimum vocabulary and grammar of 400-600 words necessary to construct dialogues and understand English speech; EDO2 - The student is able to form sentences in oral and written forms and to present himself/herself using narrative, interrogative, exclamatory sentences; EDO3 - The student is able to understand simple phrases, dialogues, small texts on hobbies, transportation, holidays. Pre-Intermediate1: EDO1-Student knows the minimum vocabulary and grammar of 900-1200 words needed to work with texts; EDO2-Student is able to formulate and ask specific, alternative questions orally and in writing to better understand the speaker; EDO3-Student is able to understand short stories about nature, travel, social media, shopping, and answer questions about the text. Intermediate1: EDO1-Student knows the vocabulary and grammatical minimum of 1400-1600 words needed to work with texts; EDO2-Student is able to maintain a conversation and monologue using non-personal verb forms, all tenses, write formal letters, greetings, and emails; EDO3-Student is able to understand discussions, dialogues on media, professional sports, tourism, and film. Upper- Intermediate1: EDO1-Student knows the lexical and grammatical minimum in the volume of 1900-2300 words, in IT sphere in the volume of 300-400 words and phrases necessary for work with texts; EDO2-Student is able to speak, using grammatical constructions I wish, if only, would rather, direct and indirect speech, auxiliary verbs, to write reports, applications, appeals; EDO3-Student is able to understand songs, videos and podcasts, interviews on YouTube. Advanced1: EDO1-Student knows the lexical and grammatical minimum of 2600-3000 words and phrases in programming, application development, 700-800 words and phrases necessary to work with texts and audio lectures; EDO2-Student is able to discuss various topics with native speakers, using inversion in conditional sentences, introductory construction, metaphors and comparisons, to pass an interview or job interview. EDO3-Student is able to understand what the interlocutor is saying, appealing to his/her arguments with arguments, regardless of his/her rate of speech, accent, pronunciation; give a speech, a presentation on topics in the field of software, information systems, computer networks.
Mathematics 1AIN1-00115Math Fundamentals. Ranges of numbers: natural, integer, rational, real and complex numbers; basic theorems of algebra; equations and inequalities. Sets, operations on sets, powers of finite and infinite sets. Relations, special binary relations: equivalence and order relations. Mappings and their properties. Linear algebra. Matrices, determinants, inverse matrices; linear systems of equations (Gauss algorithm); vector algebra: vectors, basic operations, scalar, vector and mixed product, vectors in Cartesian coordinates. Analytic geometry in R2 and R3: Straight line in the plane and in space. Curves of 2nd order. Plane in space. Surfaces of order 2. Vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. Homogeneous coordinates, transformation matrices. Fundamentals of number theory - classes of deductions, methods of finding multiplicative inverses, extended Euclid's algorithm. Peano axioms.To form and develop in students: special knowledge and ideas about concepts and methods of set theory, linear algebra, analytic geometry in the plane and in space and the basics of number theory; skills of solving applied problems; ability to interpret solutions; ability to use literature and tools.EDO1 - The student knows the basic concepts and methods of set theory, matrix algebra, the theory of systems of linear algebraic equations, vector algebra, analytic geometry on the plane and in space, and the fundamentals of number theory. EDO2 - The student is able to solve problems in set theory, linear algebra, analytic geometry on the plane and in space, and basic number theory in various subject areas and interpret solutions. EDO3 - The student is able to work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in mathematics.
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)AIN1-02215Basic concepts of MCI. Ergonomics of software. Physiology and psychology of human information processing. Human-centered systems design (User-Centered Design) and User Experience (UX). User requirements, sketches and prototypes, and usability evaluation. Input/Output level and dialog level. User interfaces for personal computers, World Wide Web, interactive interfaces, mobile applications, ubiquitous computing, and virtual/ augmented reality. Accessibility.Students know the fundamentals of human-computer interaction and human-centered systems, and are able to design user-friendly user interfaces considering ergonomic user interface requirements.EDO1 - Students know the types of interfaces in modern computer systems and the basic methods of creating them, working with them, and evaluating the ergonomic interface of finished software. EDO2 - Students are able to apply problem-solving skills in software development in various subject areas, taking into account the peculiarities of human perception. EDO3 - Students are able to work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in the field of human-centered systems development.
Programming Languages 1AIN1-00715Introduction: Variables and data types; Operators and expressions; Conditional operators (if, else, elif); Loops (for, while); Functions and procedures; Exception handling (try, except); Working with files; Modules and libraries; Introduction to the Python standard library; Objects and classes; Defining classes; Data types in classes; Representing numbers and rounding errors; Interacting with objects; Object collections; Introduction to collections (lists, tuples, sets); Dictionaries and their use; Correspondence of data structures and algorithms; Inheritance and polymorphism; Interfaces and abstract classes; SOLID principles; Decorators and class properties; Multiple inheritance; Meta classes; Introduction to Django Template; Basic syntax elements; Passing data to templates; Conditional operators in templates; Loops in templates; Filters and tags; Inheritance of templates; Static files and media; Interaction with context; Examples of class creation and OOP usage in Python; Practice.Students have the necessary knowledge and practical programming skills using the Python programming language and the Django Template framework. Attention is paid to the basic concepts of object-oriented programming. In the course of study, students will master the features of the Python language in the context of web development, learn how to effectively use Django Template to create modern and functional web applications.EDO1 - Students know the fundamental algorithms, data types, basic constructs, solution steps, structural and modular design principles of the Python programming language. EDO2 - Students are able to develop projects in the Python programming language using the Django-Template framework. EDO3 - Students are able to work in a team, independently acquire and utilize new knowledge and skills in the Python programming language using Django Template framework.
English 2AIN1-02525Practical English with grammar and vocabulary materials, audio snippets integrated into each lesson. Online practice with learning assignments and interactive cognitive videos. Oxford Oxford English File 4th Edition. Levels: Elementary2, Pre-Intermediate2, Intermediate2, Upper-Intermediate2, Advanced2.Formation of systematic and deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in key types of speech activity depending on the requirements of the passed level (Elementary2, Pre-Intermediate2, Intermediate2, Upper-Intermediate2, Advanced2). .Elementary2: EDO1-Student knows the lexical and grammatical minimum of 700-900 words necessary to construct monologues, dialogues, small texts for understanding English speech; EDO2-Student is able to compose sentences orally and in writing using proper and proper nouns, regular and irregular verbs, personal and possessive pronouns describing his/her day, weekend, introducing himself/herself; EDO3-Student is able to understand and maintain a conversation about family, friends, interests. Pre- Intermediate2: EDO1-Student knows the vocabulary and grammatical knowledge of 1200 to 1400 words required to work with texts; EDO2-Student is able to compose small stories or describe a picture orally and in writing using modal verbs, comparative adjectives, countable and uncountable nouns; EDO3-Student is able to understand small magazine articles, adapted audio stories on education, culture, music and movie tastes. Intermediate 2: EDO1-Student knows the minimum vocabulary and grammar of 1600-1900 words needed to work with texts; EDO2-Student is able to speak clearly and fluently without long pauses and to write business letters (cover letters, resumes, letters of recommendation). LDR3-The student is able to understand audio lectures, simple feature films and informative video lessons and articles on world literature, leisure and entertainment. Upper- Intermediate2: EDO1-Student knows the lexical and grammatical minimum of 2300- 2600 words, 500-600 words and phrases necessary for working with texts in the IT field; EDO2-Student is able to compose, defend a presentation and analyze texts on IT topics: computer components, developing industries in the IT field, new technologies in our lives; EDO3-Student is able to understand audio and video materials, articles on the topics of relationships and social roles, environmental protection, Internet technologies, programming languages, information systems. Advanced2: EDO1-The student knows the lexical and grammatical minimum in the volume of 3000- 3500 or more words, in the sphere of information protection, technical progress in the volume of 800- 1000 words and phrases necessary for work with texts and audio-lectures; EDO2-The student is able to express his/her thoughts concretely and accurately using speech turns and expressions, complex words, mixed types of conditional and adjectival sentences; to express his/her thoughts freely, using advanced grammar and stylistically colored vocabulary; to write short essays on any topic. EDO3-Student is able to understand oral speech and dialects of native speakers; read and analyze long and complex texts on the following topics: Python, Java programming languages, input and output devices, storage devices, robots and androids in our lives.
Mathematics 2AIN1-00225Functions: representation, properties, inverse function, number sequences, limits, continuity. Differential calculus for functions of independent variable: angular quotient, rules of differentiation, applications of differential calculus. Integral calculus for functions of an independent variables: indefinite and definite integrals, rules of integration, integral integrals, applications of integral calculus. Rows: numerical series, power series, convergence and divergence, Taylor's theorem, approximating polynomials, Taylor series, Fourier series. Differential calculus for functions of several independent variables: forms of representation for a function of several variables, partial derivatives, tangent plane, extrema, calculating errors, directional derivative and gradient. Mathematical software: symbolic and numerical calculations, functions and their graphs, applied problems.Formation and development of students: special knowledge and ideas about concepts and methods of differential calculus of one and several variables, integral calculus, theory of series and ability to apply them; skills of solving applied problems; ability to interpret solutions; skills of using mathematical software; ability to use literature and toolsEDO1 - The student knows the basic concepts and methods of differential calculus of one and several variables, integral calculus, series theory; mathematical software systems; EDO2 - The student is able to solve problems of differential calculus of one and several variables, integral calculus, series theory and use mathematical software in various subject areas. EDO3 - The student is able to work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in mathematics.
Mathematical logiсAIN1-06025Repetition of set theory. Cardinality of a set. Relationships. Systems of calculus. Binary transformations. Methods of proof: recursion/induction. Combinatorial schemes. Binomial and polynomial formulas. Logic of statements: syntax, semantics, equivalence, normal forms. Minimization of functions of algebra of logic. Completeness of the system of functions of algebra of logic. Basic elements of digital systems. Construction of simple computers based on logic gates. Serial circuits. Predicate logic. Formulas of predicate logic. Introduction to graph theory - graphs, Euler paths and cycles, Hamilton cycle problem, shortest paths and Dijkstra's algorithm, planarity, node coloring.Formation and development of students' skills in applying classical propositional logic for modeling and solving practical problems in the field of digital systems.: EDO1 - Students know the basic concepts of set theory, especially number systems and logic, as well as classical statement logic and applications of Boolean propositional algebra and set algebra in technical, practical and applied computer science. EDO2 - Students are able to abstract and understand the role of logic as a language to formalize practical problems accurately and apply sets, relations and mappings to model practical problems and have mastered the basic methods of number theory. EDO3- Students are able to apply classical statement logic to model and solve practical problems in the area of digital systems. EDO4- Students are able to work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in mathematical logic.
Programming Languages 2AIN1-00825Java: Objects and classes. Class definitions. Control structures, data types, representation of numbers, rounding errors. Interaction with objects. Object Collections. Collections, dictionary, HashMap, HashSet. Correspondence of data structures and algorithms. Library classes. Inheritance and polymorphism. Interfaces. Basics of Javascript.Students have skills and basic experience in Java programming.EDO1 - Students know the general concepts of object-oriented programming from a software engineering perspective. EDO2 -Students are able to design and implement programs in the Java language using a development environment. EDO3 - Students are able to work in a team and independently improve and deepen their Java programming skills.
Software EngineeringAIN1-01325Phases of software development process, procedure models. Object-oriented testing, unit testing. Test driven development, unit tests, test case coverage. Class modeling with UML. Modeling structures, processes and states using UML. Application of UML modeling tools. Requirements specification using textual requirements and UML use case models. Configuration management and version control.Students are able to perform software development projects using object-oriented techniques. They know the importance of configuration management. Students know the phases of the software development process. They know the basic principles of test driven development. They understand the importance of proper requirements management.EDO1- The student knows the software development life cycle. EDO2- The student is able to apply common version control tools in the configuration management process. EDO3- The student is able to plan and conduct testing of a software project. EDO4- The student knows the basic techniques of requirements engineering.
German 2AIN1-02725: Phonetics, grammar and vocabulary materials combined with training for independent study of German. (А1.2). Communicative work with text on the material of Fachdeutsch Informatik.To form communicative skills in the main types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading, writing to achieve level A1.2, in accordance with the requirements of the General European Education Standard (GER, https://www.europaeischer-referenzrahmen.de/).EDO1 - The student knows the lexical and grammatical minimum for the topics covered, everyday speech patterns, the algorithm of written and oral expression of monologic and dialogic speech (A1.2). EDO2 - The student is able to respond to speech to maintain a conversation, write short letters (up to 30 words) on a given topic, interpret written and oral texts in computer science (A 1.2). EDO3 - The student possesses normative pronunciation, active vocabulary (2500-3000 lexical units) and is able to apply them in oral and written speech. (A1.2).
Applied MathematicsAIN1-05935Numerical methods : equations, interpolation and spline interpolation(introduction), approximation(least squares method) integration. Numerical methods for differential equations. Probability theory: probability of random events, classical probability and combinatorics, conditional probability and independent events, reliability of systems, random variables and distribution functions, expected value, variance, covariance, special distributions of discrete and continuous random variables. Statistics: methods of statistical estimation (point estimation, confidence estimates),statistical tests (terms and principle, tests of parameters with sampling, nonparametric tests, linear regression, analysis of variance). Projects using mathematical software on numerical methods and statistics, Projects on applied problems.To develop the ability to apply taught mathematical methods and models.EDO1 - The student is able to solve applied problems and interpret solutions. EDO2 - The student is able to use mathematical software. EDO3 - The student is able to use literature and manuals and to acquire mathematical knowledge independently.
Database 1AIN1-01135Terminology, database models, database properties, basic aspects of database architecture, existing database systems, logical and physical data independence, user roles and data independence. Information Modelling. Phases of database development, entity-relationship model. Relational database model. Integrity constraints, mapping: ERM and RDM, theory of normal forms, relational model Algebra. Database languages: SQL DDL, DML, DQL, trigger, stored procedure.Students know the basics of databases: terminology, database models, basic properties, essential aspects of database architecture and existing database systems.EDO1 - The student knows the theory and methods of data collection for modeling the subject area. EDO 2 - The student is able to work with the SQL database language. EDO3 - Work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in the design and use of databases.
Programming Languages 3AIN1-06135Object-oriented software testing, unit tests (e.g. using JUnit) and test-driven development. Encapsulation. Error handling, exception handling. Thread programming. Graphical user interface design. Design patterns (observer, MVC). Lambda-expressions. Fundamentals of functional programming. Realization of own generic data types ("generics”). Objective: Students will have advanced skills and sufficient experience in programming in Java.Students will have advanced skills and sufficient experience in Java programming.EDO 1 - Students know common object-oriented methods of software development. EDO 2 -Students are able to design and implement more complex programms in Java using the Eclipse development environment. EDO 3 - Students are able to work in a team and independently improve and deepen their Java programming skills.
German 3AIN1-02835Phonetics, grammar and vocabulary materials combined with training for independent study of German (A2.1). Introduction to professional language in computer science, work with terminology (computer systems, hardware components and software, input and output devices, memory facilities, word processing, graphics and design, multimedia, programming basics).To build receptive and productive skills in order to extend and consolidate the vocabulary of general and technical German for interpretation, presentation and for fluency at A2.1 level (GER, https://www.europaeischer-referenzrahmen.de/)EDO 1 - The student knows the basic lexico-grammatical phenomena of the German language structure required for A level 2.1. EDO 2 - The student is able to carry on a conversation, give reasons, motivation for learning German, make suggestions and enquiries, describe a process, write wishes, make claims at A level 2.1. EDO3 - The student is able to understand and communicate/interpret oral and written texts from the field of computer science (A level 2.1).
Operating Systems & Computer ArchitectureAIN1-01635Operating Systems: Objective and structure of operating systems; Scheduling (e.g. FCFS, Round-Robin, Shortest-Job-Next, Shortest-Remaining Time, priorities); Processes, process states, control tables, process implementation; Threads, kernel threads, user threads, thread implementation - parallelism, race conditions, synchronization and synchronization problems; Congestion and starvation; Memory management, partitioning, paging, virtual memory; File systems for Windows, Linux and mobile operating systems; Linux, building Linux and programming in bash. Computer architecture: Basic concepts of computer architecture (components, functions); Command processing; Representation of numbers and symbols in a computer; Methods of working with memory, classification and characteristics of memory (memory hierarchy); Functional possibilities of processor cache memory.Operating Systems: Students know the most important concepts and principles of operating systems. Computer Architecture: Students understand how computers are designed and operate.Operating Systems: EDO1-Students know the internal processes of an operating system. EDO 2-Students are able, through hands-on work and use of Linux, to use other operating systems. Computer Architecture: EDO 3- Students understand how software works and how to create and run programs through programming. ECD4- Students are able to utilize the features and functions of modern computer architectures.
Web TechnologiesWIN1-00135Basic concepts of web technologies. The basics of HTML. The basics of CSS. Introduction to the JavaScript scripting language. Introduction to Bootstrap and its installation. Bootstrap grid system. Bootstrap components. Bootstrap utilitiesFormation of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills on web technologies.EDO 1- Students know the basics of HTML hypertext markup language theory, CSS cascading style sheets, JavaScript programming languages and Bootstrap framework. EDO 2- Students are able to design and plan website structure, develop interfaces, manage risk, design and test in the development of software projects, and effectively utilize off-the-shelf algorithms and solutions based on the Bootstrap framework. EDO 3- Students are able to work in a team, independently acquire and utilize new knowledge and skills in web technologies.
Database 2AIN1-01245Database Application Programming. Embedded SQL, CLI, ODBC, JDBC, ORM etc. Database Management System. Physical storage of data, file organization, buffer management, mapping data items to data storage structure, query optimization, transaction and synchronization management, recovery. XML databases: XML documents, XML schema, XQuery. Modern database technologies. Postrelational databases, NoSQL.Students know the basics of applied database programming, which includes accessing databases using embedded SQL, various calling interfaces and OO-DB frameworks.EDO 1 - Students know the functions of the major DBMS components, modern database technologies and specialized database applications. EDO 2 - Students are able to design databases to solve specific problems in various subject areas. EDO 3 - Students are able to work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in database design and administration.
Object Oriented ProgrammingAIN1-01045Applying object-oriented design concepts. Encapsulation and information hiding. Coupling and cohesion. Competency-based design. Law of Demeter. Major object-oriented design patterns. Concept and application of design patterns. Most important GOF design patterns. Manual and automated software reviews. Recognizing common programming errors and code smells. Tools for automated software reviews. Software complexity metrics. Working with threads in Java. Using important thread classes in Java. Working with files in Java. Working with network sockets in Java. RMI. XML: structure and processing. Structure of XML documents. Defining documents using DTD and XML Schema. Processing XML documents in Java. User-centered design. Guiding principles. Effective and efficient team-oriented implementation. Teamwork methods. Using version control and tracking systems.: Students are capable of preparing non-trivial tasks for object-oriented implementation and applying object-oriented design concepts.: EDO1 - Students are familiar with important principles of object-oriented design and design patterns and can judge when they can be reasonably used in a project. EDO2 - Students are knowledgeable about the structure, usage, and programming in Java, as well as working with XML. EDO3 - Students are able to work with threads, files, and network connections in Java. EDO4 - Students are capable of working on modeling and development tasks in a team with a reasonable distribution of tasks.
Mobile App DevelopmentAIN1-01845Fundamentals of mobile and ubiquitous operating systems. Market development examples of different mobile operating systems and leading applications. Leading applications. Hardware features of mobile devices. Android software development. Development platform: Android Studio. Development language (Android, XML), application composition (manifest, UI, program code, build scripts) and Android virtual runtime environments/emulators. Actions and their lifecycle, Intents, User Interfaces, Fragments, Resources, Services, Mobile Data and Data Storage (SQL, Shared Preferences) and server architectures for mobile services. Application security, distribution and deployment. Comparison with other development environments: iOS (XCode), Mobile Web (Apache Cordova) and cross-platform (Xamarin). Future trends in mobile and ubiquitous operating systems. Application of human-centered development (User Centered Design) of mobile applications, and application of usability evaluation protocols (ThinkAlouds) in mobile application testing.To form theoretical knowledge and practical skills of mobile application developmentEDO 1 - Students know the characteristics of mobile and ubiquitous operating systems and how they relate to each other. EDO 2 - Students are able to adapt human-centered user interfaces to the specific requirements of mobile operating systems. EDO 3 - Students are able to design, develop and evaluate mobile applications.
German 4AIN1-02945Phonetics, grammar and vocabulary materials combined with training for independent study of German (A2.2). Improvement of professional language in the field of computer science, work with terminology (networks, Internet, E-Mail communication, Web design, Online Banking).To develop receptive and productive skills in order to expand and consolidate the vocabulary of general and technical German for interpretation, presentation and for fluency at A2.2 level (GER, https://www.europaeischer-referenzrahmen.de/)EDO 1 - The student knows the basic lexical-grammatical phenomena of the German language structure required for A level 2.2. EDO 2 - The student is able to write a job application, conduct telephone conversations in the workplace and work in a team, conduct research and develop his/her own Startup projects at level A2.2. EDO 3 - The student is able to communicate and interpret computer science texts and is able to communicate IT concepts to non-technical audiences orally and in writing at level A 2.2.
Computer Networks & TelecomunicationsAIN1-01545Fundamentals of packet-oriented and connection-oriented data communications. Structure of modern networks (Ethernet technologies, switches, hubs, routers, virtual private networks). Data security and encryption (PKI, certificates). Socket APIs, including Secure Socket Layer (SSL) APIs. Modern developments in TCP/IP networks (QUIC protocol, features of mobile data networks). Application protocols (HTTP/2, SMTP). Development and implementation of own protocols. Configuration and operation of firewall technologies. Fundamentals of hardware and network virtualization (software-defined networks). Fundamentals of cloud computing. Fundamentals of packet and connection-oriented data exchange (TCP/IP protocol stack). IP addressing and routing (including network address translation, NAT). Data security and encryption.Formation of students' knowledge on designing computer networks and telecommunications and skills of work in the virtual laboratory environment Cisco Packet Tracer..EDO 1 - Students have mastered the operation of computer networks and have the skills to assess security in computer networks. EDO 2 - Students are able to create, administer, program and optimize TCP/IP based networks. EDO 3-Students are able to analyze, evaluate and design complex interactions between a company's internal networks and the Internet. EDO 4-Students are able to work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in the field of computer networks and telecommunications.
Web ProgrammingWIN1-00245PHP scripts for working with HTML forms. Regular expressions, including modifiers, operators, and metacharacters. PHP programs that use various PHP library functions and manipulate files and directories. Analyzing and solving various database problems using the PHP language. Analyzing and solving common web application problems by writing PHP programs.Familiarization with the open source web scripting language PHP. Building dynamic web applications. Semantics and syntax of the PHP language, including discussion of practical problems that PHP solvesEDO 1- The student is able to solve basic problems in PHP and in creating simple classes, declaring objects, methods and constructors. EDO 2- The student is proficient in organizing and using class hierarchy, predefined classes and data types, access restriction techniques and handling exceptional situations. EDO 3- The student is able to write cross-platform HTML nested server-side scripts to implement dynamic Web pages that interact with databases and files.
Artificial IntelligenceAIN1-02055Recognition models based on the principle of partial precedent. Informativeness of features and standards, methods for assessing informativeness. Logical regularities of classes, their search, and application in classification tasks. Recognition models based on building binary decision trees. Recognition algorithms based on building linear and piecewise-linear separating surfaces. Recognition models based on building nonlinear separating surfaces. Neural network classification models. ROC analysis and AUC - optimal classifiers. Statistical recognition theory. Algebraic recognition theory. Data analysis and classification system. Cluster analysis. Solving clustering problems by algorithm collectives. Object classification with incomplete feature descriptions, with a large number of classes. Finding functional dependencies based on precedents.Formation of students' theoretical knowledge in artificial intelligence, the possibilities of applying services, platforms, and artificial intelligence systems in various economic sectors, and the applied skills necessary for business development using artificial intelligence.EDO1 - Students know the fundamental concepts and methods of precedent-based recognition theory and data analysis; modern problems of data analysis, recognition theory, classification, dependency search; methods and approaches to solving practical data analysis and classification problems by algorithm collectives; software tools for solving basic data analysis and classification tasks. EDO2 - Students are able to analyze a large volume of partially contradictory and incomplete feature descriptions; represent problems in the space of states and optimize search for solutions and reduction of complex tasks, as well as compile machine dictionaries for solving natural language text processing tasks. EDO3 - Students are able to work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in the field of artificial intelligence, taking into account modern trends.
German 5AIN1-03055"Professional German Language" involves mastering audiovisual, authentic, textual, and grammatical material and involves the use of the following functional styles and types of texts: technical texts in the field of web informatics, software technologies, applied data analysis.To develop skills in the practical use of general and technical German in the field of computer science in the four main speech activities (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in order to achieve level B1.1 or above, relative to the requirements of the European General Education Standard. (GER)EDO 1 - The student knows the main lexical-grammatical features in technical German, as well as ways of coping with language deficits when receiving and communicating information (B1.1). EDO 2 - The student is able to communicate (orally and in writing) on professional topics; to speak about facts and events, to use communicative types of speech such as description, narration and reporting, as well as emotional and evaluative judgements (B1.1). EDO 3 - The student possesses the linguistic means to communicate audio and video texts from the software field and is able to convey IT concepts to non-technical audiences in oral and written form *(presentation, report, interpretation) by arguing his/her position and using auxiliary means (graphs, tables, diagrams, Power-Point, etc.) (B1.1).
Content Management SystemsWIN1-00355Introduction to the Internet, local web server and the CMS (WP) content management system. Basic CMS (WP) settings and adding entries, headings. Adding tags and thumbnails, creating new pages in WP. Adding picture and video to a page, changing WP theme (template). Creating and customizing menus and widgets in WP. Number of entries on a page. Customizing the main page of the site, title and description of the site. Inserting google map on the page. Customizing comments in WP (deleting and disabling). Change password in Console. Plugins installation and customization. Feedback form, creating a gallery in WPFormation of students the necessary knowledge and practical skills to develop websites of individual design using CMS WordPress content management system, including the installation of the site on hostingEDO 1 - The student knows the theoretical basis for the development of customized design websites using the CMS WordPress content management system. EDO 2 - The student is able to develop a website and install the website on a hosting service. EDO 3 - The student is able to work in a team, independently acquire and utilize new content management knowledge and skills.
Development of smartphone user interfacesWIN1-00455Basic concepts of developing smartphone interface platforms in FIGMA. Requirements for smartphones are discussed. Using the document object model to manipulate the content of a mobile widget page in FIGMA. Specifics on the application of the DOM in the process of developing interfaces for mobile devices in FIGMA, including manipulation of elements, events, and dynamic content updates.To form students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills on the basic features of development tools in Visual Studio environment using Apache Cordova technology and its inherent HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, as well as the development of hybrid mobile applications for Windows Phone, Android and IOS using Apache Cordova technology.EDO 1 - The student knows the theoretical basis of mobile interface design in FIGMA. EDO 2 - The student is able to develop client scenarios and hybrid mobile applications for Windows Phone, Android and IOS platforms in FIGMA. EDO 3 - The student is able to work in a team, independently acquire and utilize new knowledge and skills in the development of smartphone interface platforms.
election module catalogue (2018)MOD_CAT_201855
Development of distributed applicationsAIN1-06265Categories of middleware, communication models, transparency. Architectural models, client-server, P2P, n-tier architecture. Fundamentals of Spring, Spring MVC, Spring persistence, Spring Security, Spring Rest. Testing. Basics of JavaScript frameworks such as React.To provide students with theoretical knowledge in the field of using distributed systems for information processing and practical skills in building distributed systems using various software tools.EDO1 - Students are able to apply architectural concepts in the development of distributed systems and applications. EDO2 - Students are able to demonstrate a more detailed understanding of web application development technologies using Spring. EDO3 - Students are capable of developing and designing software and implementing it using JEE technologies in a large project.
IT SecurityAIN1-06365IT systems as sociotechnical systems. IT security risks due to human errors. Guiding principles (e.g., BSI-Grundschutz, ITIL). Cryptographic systems, PKI infrastructure. Common code vulnerabilities (e.g., buffer overflow, code injection, cross-site scripting) and countermeasures. Operating system security. Database security. Network-level attacks and countermeasures, firewalls. Patterns for secure programming (secure default settings, minimizing attack surface, session management, etc.).To make students aware that IT security should be a high priority when developing any system.EDO1 - Students understand the importance of IT security, know typical security issues, and countermeasures. EDO2 - Students are able to apply skills in ensuring information security: identification and authentication, authorization, and access control. EDO3 - Students are capable of working in teams, independently acquiring and using new knowledge and skills in information security.
German 6AIN1-03165"Professional German Language" involves mastering audiovisual, authentic, textual, and grammatical material. The communicative focus of the teaching necessitates the use of the following functional styles and types of texts: technical texts in the field of web informatics, software technology, and applied data analysis.To develop skills in the practical use of general and technical German in the field of computer science in the four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in order to achieve level B1.2 or above, relative to the requirements of the General European Education Standard. (GER)EDO 1 - The student knows the main lexical and grammatical features in technical German and is able to cope with language deficits when receiving and communicating information (B1.2). EDO 2 - The student is able to independently improve oral and written speech, increase vocabulary (2000 vocabulary units, including terminology), and is able to translate professional foreign texts (B1.2). EDO 3 - The student possesses the linguistic means to communicate audio and video texts from the software field and is able to convey IT concepts to non-technical audiences orally and in writing in the area of computer science (B1.2).
Management of WebserversWIN1-00565HTTP protocol. Apache, Nginx, IIS web servers. Basic concepts. Web server configuration. Hosting. Proxy servers and caching. Testing and monitoring. Backup. Web server security. Web server scaling. Mail servers Gmail, Postfix, send mailFormation of students' necessary knowledge and practical skills on work with web servers and their administration.EDO 1- The student knows the theoretical basis for the mechanisms of web server operation and its administration. EDO 2- The student is able to administer web servers. EDO 3- Students are able to work in a team, independently acquire and utilize new knowledge and skills in web server operation and administration.
election module catalogue (2018)MOD_CAT_201865
election module catalogue (2018)MOD_CAT_201865
Kyrgyz Language and LiteratureAIN1-05474Kyrgyz is the national and state language. Rules of writing, spelling. Culture of speech. Orthoepy. Style. Types of styles. Conversational style. Artistic style. Scientific style. Publicistic style.Improvement of students' explanation and speech culture through familiarization with the basics of linguistic and philological sciences.EDO1 - Students must be able to recognize the basic principles of spelling and word formation, select language resources based on the types of conversational styles, and use them correctly. EDO2 - Students should be capable of creating written texts correctly and appropriately in terms of style and expression. EDO3 - Students need to develop skills in international communication, conducting discussions, and presenting logical arguments confidently.
Manas StudiesAIN1-06672General characteristics of genres in Kyrgyz folklore. The epic "Manas" in the treasury of world culture. Study of the "Manas" epic until 1917. First written sources. Manas studies as a science and its peculiarities. Manas studies in the Soviet era: recordings of "Manas" epic variants, textological research, and the influence of state ideology on the development of Manas studies. Time of formation and development of the "Manas" epic. Scientific hypotheses of M. O. Auezov, B. M. Yunusaliyev, V. M. Zhirmunsky.To ensure a stable understanding among students of existing representations in the field of Manas studies, including knowledge of how these concepts have evolved over time.EDO 1 - Students know the specific features of the genres of Kyrgyz folklore, the place of the trilogy of the epic "Manas" in the treasury of world culture, the value of the epic as a source for studying the historical path of development of the Kyrgyz people. EDO 2 - Students are able to apply skills in critical thinking, analyzing and presenting their ideas and thoughts, as well as working with scientific sources on Manas studies..
Geography of KyrgyzstanAIN1-07172Natural ecosystems of the Earth (terrestrial, freshwater, marine). Forms of interaction between society and nature and their development at the present stage. The concept of environmental security. Environmental problems of the modern world. Principles and main directions of rational nature management. Elimination of the consequences of emergency environmental situations. Environmental situation in the region. Activities of public environmental organizations. International cooperation on environmental protection issues.To provide students with knowledge of the fundamentals of the functioning of ecological systems and the problems of anthropogenic impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems at local, regional, and global scales.EDO1 - Students understand the basics of ecological systems and the problems of anthropogenic impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems at local, regional, and global scales, as well as the environmental policy of Kyrgyzstan. EDO2 - Students are able to apply skills in environmental analysis, assessment of natural resources, and environmental costs. EDO3 - Students are capable of working in teams, independently acquiring and using new knowledge and skills to solve problems of anthropogenic impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems at local, national, and global scales.
National historyAIN1-03574History as a science. History of ancient Kyrgyzstan. The Turkic era: the main stages of statehood and culture formation. The Kyrgyz state on the Yenisei. Kyrgyz people and Kyrgyzstan during the Mongol era, 13th-16th centuries. Completion of the formation process of the Kyrgyz nationality. The Kyrgyz people in the 16th-19th centuries. Relations with neighboring people and states.Formation of a system of knowledge on the history of the Kyrgyz and Kyrgyzstan from ancient times to the present day.EDO1 - The student knows the main events and processes in the history of Kyrgyzstan, realizes the role and place of Kyrgyzstan in the history of mankind and in the modern world. EDO 2 - The student has the skills of historical thinking, the skills of collecting, systematizing and independently analyzing information about socio-political and economic processes taking place in society. EDO 3 - The student is able to identify problems, cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and major trends in the development of the historical process.
PhilosophyAIN1-03475Philosophy, its role in the life of man and society. Philosophy of the ancient east. Ancient philosophy. Philosophy of the Medieval West and East. Philosophy of the Renaissance, New Age and Enlightenment. Philosophy of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Philosophy of the 20th century. Domestic philosophy. Fundamentals of philosophical understanding of the world. Consciousness, its origin and essenceTo form students' knowledge of the basics of philosophy, history of the formation of philosophy as a science, theories and principles of philosophy, categories of philosophy and dialecticsEDO1 - The student knows the conceptual and categorical apparatus, historiography and methodology of philosophy, the main stages of development of world and national philosophy. EDO2 - The student is able to apply the skills of systematization and independent analysis of information about the main research schools and directions in the history of philosophy. EDO3 - The student is able to apply the principles and laws of philosophy in practical activities.
Basics of EntrepreneurshipAIN1-03673Entrepreneurship as a special type of activity. Typology and legal foundations of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurial idea. Business and entrepreneurship. Financial and economic indicators of entrepreneurial activity. Production, resource provision of entrepreneurial activity, and implementation.To provide students with fundamental knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, the basics of creating their own business and mechanisms of enterprise functioning, production processes, implementation of entrepreneurial projects, as well as business planning and resource attraction.EDO1 - The student knows the basic theoretical principles in the field of entrepreneurship. EDO2 - The student is able to apply skills in creating their own business, organizing the production process, implementing entrepreneurial projects, as well as business planning and resource attraction. EDO3 - The student is able to work in a team, independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in the field of entrepreneurship.
Internship 1AIN1-039710To consolidate and deepen the knowledge and skills acquired by students in the course of study and to gain experience of professional activity.Organization of big data processing; 2. Provision of big data storage; 3. Use of software tools for data processing; 4. Collection, systematization and identification of interrelationships and documentation of computer software requirements; 5. Estimation of time and labor intensity of computer software requirements implementation; 6. Coordination of computer software requirements with stakeholders; 7. Estimation and coordination of timeframes.1. Use methods and techniques of task formalisation. Use methods and techniques of task algorithmicisation. Use software products for graphic representation of algorithms. Apply standard algorithms in appropriate areas 2. Use selected programming languages to write program code. Use the selected programming environment and database management system tools. Utilise the capabilities of the available technical and/or software architecture. 3. Apply regulations that specify requirements for the design of programme code. Apply tools to create and maintain source code. Apply available templates for technical documentation. 4. Use the selected version control system. Use auxiliary software tools to process software source code. Perform actions according to the established procedures of the version control system used. 5. 5. Identify errors in software code. Apply methods and techniques for debugging software code. Interpret error messages, warnings, process log entries. Apply modern compilers, debuggers and code optimisers
Internship 2AIN1-040818To consolidate and deepen the knowledge obtained by students in the course of study and to acquire experience of professional activity.1. Development and coordination with the software architect of technical specifications for software products and their interaction; 2. Distribution of buildings between programmers in accordance with technical specifications; 3. Exercising control over the execution of tasks; 4.Formation and submission of reports in accordance with established regulations; 5.Development of computer software architecture and its coordination with the system analyst and software architect; 6.Development of technical documentation.
Bachelor thesisAIN1-053812
Application systemsAIN1-06455Design and structure of applied business systems. Applications in companies. Configuration of enterprise application systems. Additional programming. Interfaces to corporate application systems. Design of workflows for processing corporate information. Specialized types of systems (e.g., MES, CRM, SCM).Formation of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the design, implementation, and operation of applied systems.EDO1 - Students know the applications and architecture of applied business systems. EDO2 - Students are able to design applied systems, adapt and configure them, implement and operate applied systems. EDO3 - Students can make minor changes to the system through configuration and programming. EDO4 - Students know the basic methods of integrating various applied systems and can develop integration architectures.
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