Inter-university Spring Hackathon

3 years ago INAI.KG 2866

     The Inter-University Spring Hackathon, organised by the Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics, took place on 23-24 April. Students from such universities as: Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov, Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture n.a. N. Isanov, University of Central Asia, the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University n.a. B.Yeltsin

Inter-university Spring Hackathon in numbers:

  • 24 participants;
  • 8 teams;
  • 5 universities;
  • 13 hours of coding.


What was at the event:

  • an actual case study;
  • inter-university hackathon atmosphere and powerful teams;
  • a prize fund;
  • representatives of IT companies and independent experts as judges.


An automated "Real Estate Agent Admin Panel" system was to be developed, designed to summarise information about the agency, client coverage areas, information about the number of clients from each region, information for future flat purchases from the construction company, number of rental properties: both flats and business premises, number of flats, office premises and other properties to be sold. In other words, an admin panel designed to help administer the real estate agency's databases.

Prize fund:

  • 1st place - 30% discount from the tuition fee of the Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics, backpack;
  • 2nd place - certificate of "Raritet" bookstore in the amount of 7,000 soms, backpack;
  • 3 place - external hard disk, backpack.


Criteria for participation in the Hackathon:

  • 4th year students;
  • A team of 3 people;
  • Availability of a personal laptop for each participant;
  • Availability of free time for 24 hours;
  • Knowledge of programming languages, both backend and frontend parts, and ability to work with relational databases.


The winner of the Hackathon is the team "Brigada" of the Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics. Team members::

  1. Tashbolotov Bekbulat;
  2. Kydirbek uulu Bakai;
  3. Abdullo Karimov


The “UCA team” of the University of Central Asia took the second prize:

  1. Berdiev Iskender;
  2. Sharipov Murodali;
  3. Burkanova Bermet.


Third place went to the team "Sharpers:)" from Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N.Isanov:

  1. Nurgazy kyzy Aigerim;
  2. Bakytbek kyzy Aigerim;
  3. Abdyrakhmanov Belek.


What's next:

An Inter-University Autumn Hackathon for 2-3 year students is expected to take place in October as part of the annual international conference.



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