1st year bachelor and master scholarship recipients identified

4 years ago 5644

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                     Academic Scholarships at the Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics INAI.KG

An academic scholarship is an opportunity to obtain higher education for free or almost free of charge. This practice is particularly widespread in European countries as well as in the United States, where the largest scholarships are awarded to students. Sometimes they cover up to 100% of the cost of education - that is, a student who shows good results can study almost for free. You don't have to "work off" this kind of funding - you just have to be a diligent student.

The reason for this generosity is that foreign universities are interested in attracting strong students. It is the achievements of students that make up the glory of a particular university. Therefore, many foreign educational institutions use part of their income to pay academic scholarships to the students they would like to have within their walls. In the Kyrgyz Republic, one of the HEIs with this type of funding for students is the Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics.

The Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics (INAI.KG), together with the University of Applied Sciences (WHZ), Zwickau, runs scholarship programmes through the DAAD service, both for bachelor and master programmes.

The amount of the academic scholarship at INAI.KG allows to fully or partially cover the costs of the student's studies. The amount of funding, for the academic year 2020-2021, is determined for each bachelor applicant individually, depending on the level of knowledge demonstrated in the National Testing.

Our first-year recipients:


To receive the scholarship applicants of INAI.KG Master programs had to show themselves as responsible, goal-oriented and possessing an active lifestyle through the text of a motivation letter in a foreign language. And not to be unfounded, the application form had to be accompanied by all available documents in the form of a portfolio of their own developed programming projects. The final step was the successful completion of an interview, conducted by the selection committee online.

Scholarship holders of KGIPI Master's programmes

Place and time?

Date: thursday 1 october, 2020

Venue: INAI.KG

Registration deadline: 16.09.2020

For further questions please turn to:


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