German Language and Technology Conference on the theme "Digitalisation and the Pandemic"

3 года назад INAI.KG 2255

From 11 to 17 May, the fifth German language and technology conference was held in Bishkek with the topic "Digitalisation and the Pandemic". It was initiated by DAAD lecturers Anja Lange (INAI.KG) and Dagni Wolf (KSTU named after I. Razzakov). Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, the conference was held in an online format.

The main purpose of the conference is to develop scientific interests of students, attracting them to the solution of urgent problems of digitalization of the educational process, preservation and development of scientific-innovative potential of higher educational institutions.

The conference was opened on May 11, 2021 by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Monika Iwersen. The rectors of the organizing universities - Aida Tologonova (INAI.KG) and Mirlan Chynybaev (KSTU) made welcoming speeches.

The conference was addressed by Prof. Frank Grimm from the Western Saxony University of Applied Sciences (WHZ) and Prof. Matthias Salein from the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin (BHT Berlin).

Guldastan Ismailova, a German language teacher at INAI.KG, gave presentations on "Fachdeutsch-Informatik im Rahmen von Blended Lerning" ("Specialized German informatics in blended learning") and "Über die Schwierigkeiten beim Lehren und Lernen der Fachsprache im Deutschunterricht" ("On the difficulties of teaching and learning technical German").

Master student Meerim Tynchtykova talked about the difficulties in learning technical English.

1st year students Saadat Kurmankojoeva and Kyzhibek Orozbekova made report on problems of teaching online.

Various activities were held as part of the conference.

Anja Lange, Senior Lecturer of INAI.KG and DAAD lecturer, conducted a workshop on "Wissenschaftliches Schreiben" ("Scientific Writing").

2nd year students of INAI.KG won first place in the competition for solving logic problems.

Diplomas were awarded to conference participants and certificates were handed out to the winners of the logic problems competition.


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